Main Events

  • The last sanmargam worship of the year(2022)  took place - 17 December 2022 in -2°C cold, led by Vallalar.

  • On 05-10-2022, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the arrival of Vallalar, Sri Lankan Tamils were given life support and financial assistance by the French devotees.

  • On 05-10-2022 the 200th Incarnation Day event of our Blessed Vallalar was held on Paris by the grace of Vallalar.

  • The charitable work done by our French sanmarga sangam in Sri Lanka.

  • By the grace of Lord Arutperunjothi, June 25th, a holy joint worship was held in Paris city by our Lord Thiruvarutprakasa Vallalar

Current Event

     The last religious worship of the year took place today (17 December 2022) in -2°C cold, led by Vallalar.Worship was held to pray that people all over the world live a happy and prosperous life and that all living beings live happily. It was explained about the Paris Sanmarka Sangam’s activities in Sri Lanka over the last few months, that the charity work is going well by the grace of God. 

Our Goal

       The principle of Samarasa Suddha Sanmargam is the grace principle propagated by Vadalur Vallalar. Caste, race, creed, religion, language, nation, art, politics, idolatry, and worship of idols are past. to know and realise God. Sanmargam and Gnanmargam are among the four margams that help to meditate: right action, yoga, and wisdom.
        In this vast world, various incarnations of men, yogis, siddhas, and sages have appeared from time to time and have enlightened the world and shown virtue. But no one has conquered death so far, and only Ramalinga Vallalar can conquer death. He has proposed the revolutionary idea that this temple can be made immortal and eternal. He showed victory over death. It is our responsibility, as a to take the first step in ensuring that this new education, immortal education, flourishes and grows like a sweet crop in the arable land, taking root all over the world. 


In Sri Lanka for the last six month vallalar sanmarga sangam donate food items in order to alleviate the hunger of the people living in the region

In Sri Lanka, an event was held to give saplings to children

In 29 July 2018 Started vallalar arudjothi manimanram by vallalar grace